Service Service

Service Service

Service Service

Service Service

Service Service

Service Service

Spacious rooms and clean spaces are popular with women. Furthermore, high security and substantial facilities and amenities are attractive.

女性に嬉しいポイント 女性に嬉しいポイント


Point01 取り放題アメニティ&

Free smenities such as makeup remover and milky lotion for female customers. Rental exhibitions such as irons are also substantial.

Click here for details


Point02 安心万全のセキュリティ

All room entry is done with a card key. In addition, you cannot enter the hotel at night (from midnight to 6:00 in the early morning) except for the card key.


Point03 こだわりの

You can enjoy a Japanese/Western buffet style breakfast.

Click here for details



Point02 独立洗面化粧台

The bathroom is vanity sink style, with a separate vanity. Very convenient for makeup, etc., you can use it as if you are at home.
* Bath and toilet are integrated.

充実の安心サポート 充実の安心サポート

Nice service Unlimited amenities

  • クレンジングフォーム
    Cleansing foam
  • 化粧水
  • 乳液
  • レディースセット
    Ladies set
  • ヘアパック
    Hair pack

Light and beautiful Rental item

  • マイナスイオンドライヤー
    Negative ion dryer
  • 美顔器
    Facial steamer
  • ヘアアイロン
    Hair iron

Other convenient services
I prepared it.
If you have any problems or questions around the hotel,
Please feel free to tell the front staff.

  • ウェルカムサービス
    Welcome service welcome drink and welcome popsicles are available free of charge. Please enjoy as much as you like when relaxing in your room or departure.
    Available time (14: 00-23: 00)
  • コンビニ
    Convenience store 5 minutes walk to convenience store.
    There is a convenience store within walking distance, which is convenient and safe.
    Click here for details
  2. Member-only price
  3. Earn up to 10 points per 100 yen (excluding tax)
  4. Complimentary mineral water (excluding day trips)


*Package plans such as airline tickets, JR trains, rental cars, etc. are external products and are not eligible for Vessel Club Points.